Request Account Deletion

Delete Account Request Process

  1. Get Request:

    • User submits a request to delete their account.
    • The user can provide their details in the form above (name, phone number, email).
    • On submitting the form, the request is recorded.
  2. Contact with User:

    • Upon form submission, the server validates the input data.
    • If the data is valid, the server sends a confirmation email to the user's provided email address.
    • The email informs the user that their account deletion request has been received and that they will be contacted shortly.
  3. Delete Account:

    • After sending the confirmation email, a team member reviews the request.
    • If approved, the user's account is permanently deleted from the system and confirmation is sent to the user.
    • If denied or further information is required, the team contacts the user for clarification.